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Future Cudas


Handbook Agreement

Please read through the full Handbook. (scroll down to find the Band Handbook)

Contact Form

This is needed in case the Director or staff needs to contact guardians.

Instrument Status

We use this information for instrumentation and instrument rental.

Uniform Order Form

Practice uniforms and accessories can be purchased through the "shop".

Pride Donation

We ask parents to invest their time and resources to ensure the best for the band.

Information You Might Need

Guide for Parents

This is a document made up of parents' tips and tricks for a successful year.

Marching Band FAQ

This document includes things to know and events for marching band. 

Band App Sign-up

Make sure that you're signed up in the right group so you don't miss any notifications. 

Full Year Calendar

This is an expected calendar for the year. Dates could change as the school year goes on

Events Calendar

This calendar includes our projected mandatory events for next year.

Handbook 2022-2023

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